Saturday, October 9, 2010

Cat Scratch Fever!

Rode Sullivan City in the morning. Got out of bed early and picked up Nico. Met Jacobo at the parking lot. Jumped in Jacobo's truck and off we went. Nick, McFly, Richard, Don, Kelly, Sergio, and Marty were out there when we arrived. We did a warm-up lap with Don leading the way. With loose rock and dirt, Sullivan City can be tricky to ride. Two riders went down early in the lap. A couple of mean thorn bushes out there. Nico brushed one and his right arm looked like he was a victim of cat scratch fever. No one else escaped. I left with some good scratches on my lower right leg. We completed a two more laps. I was thrilled that I didn't wreck and I was able to make most of the grueling climbs. It was a good training ride for the 24 Hours of Rocky Hill. :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Those Little Bloodsuckers

Got in training ride with Grape, Nico. We met at the trails and put in a hard ride. As the sun was going down we decide to put ride the Hike and Bike to Bensten. Another 30 minutes later and it is dark. Nobody has lights, except for Brian, who as a blinking, red taillight, which is not much help. I had taken off my sunglasses, and the mosquitos and bugs were hitting me in the face. We are speeding down the Hike and Bike, when Nico averts disaster when he nearly runs over an armadillo. In the dark of the night I heard the armadillo's feet scurrying to get out of Nico's way. We keep riding until suddenly my front tire starts goes flat. We have to stop and change my tire. Without a flashlight, we use our cell phone displays. To make matters worse, the mosquitos attack us. We finally manage to get the tire changed after 15 minutes and finish out our ride. We roll into the parking lot tired and with a little less blood from those little bloodsuckers.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Save A Prayer

Save A Prayer is one of my favorite songs from the 80s band Duran Duran. They were the bomb back in the 80s. Lots of hits like Hungry from the Wolf, Rio, that you most likely remember if you are my age. The song played in my head after I took a ride on my mountain bike out to La Lomita Chapel in Mission. I rode out there to say a prayer. I say a prayer for the Mission Nature Park and trails. I snap a couple of photographs of the religious items inside and outside the chapel. I saddle up and hit the road back, take a left a Military Road, and catch the Hike and Bike back to the parking lot, and then back to my house. Here is a link to the Save A Prayer video on Youtube. Enjoy!