Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 391 - That's Why Its Called Tweezer

Nico and I rode our singlespeeds on Saturday morning at the trails. I had brought him his fixed bike and he was looking forward to trying it out. We hit the trails with him in the lead. He put in a fast pace. I was impressed. We were flying on the Upper Levy Run. He kept up the pace until Jackhammer when we slowed down for a while. He enjoyed riding his singlespeed. I took this picture of him as he came blazing around a turn. His singlespeed is fun to ride, since he has a high rise stem. His handlebar position almost feels like you are riding a chopper. We were riding along fine on Tweezer when he came too fast in a turn and I heard a loud crash. He went down after losing his front wheel in the loose dirt. Luckily, he fell next to and not into a cactus. He did pick up a few cactus thorns, which he pulled out with a tweezer. That's why it is called Tweezer. We mounted our bikes and rode, finishing up where we started on the Upper Levy Run. He made all the climbs. It was a fun ride.

1 comment:

  1. nice pik< do you have the anorher one or is it to dark??
    nice ride yestardy looking up to next one!!!!
